Humanitarian leadership of human resources

Project Name:

Humanitarian Leadership of Human Resources.

Project Description:

Linking management sciences and human resources with human values inspired by monotheistic religions.

How did we think of this project and initiative?

During our Digital transformation journey with a lot of customers in Egypt and Saudi Arabia, we spotted 4 major challenges:

  1. The lack of clarity for the values the defines the institution’s, and the employee’s rights.
  2. The confusion of decision makers and HR managers in defining regulations that lead to achieving discipline and improving work and at the same time considering justice and fairness.
  3. The confusion of the ideal behavior supposed to be undertaken by senior management towards some situations related to leadership, evaluation and improvement of employee performance.
  4. Some leaders extremely focus on tasks and achievements and unintentionally forget or ignore the human nature of the employee. And this is reflected negatively on the employee and his performance.
These challenges are directly reflected on the success of the digital transformation as they are directly related to culture and work environment. This project aims to deal with these challenges as part of preparing institutions for digital transformation.

Project Milestones:

  • Idea Draft:

    We have some conceptual drafts that cover four dimensions (values moral principles, Leadership tools, types of employees, and management concepts).

  • Communicating the Idea drafts with domain Experts:

    We are planning to communicate with management and human resources experts who are interested in the same topic to gather as many ideas as possible and to comment on these ideas.

  • Formulation

    The final stage will be crafting and formulation. It is to come up with a document that includes frameworks and work models for implementing these ideas.

If you are a management or HR expert and have some thoughts related to this project, we will be happy to communicate with you. Please contact us by mail info At mo-hr Dot com or via any of our social media accounts.

This project will be an open-source project. Anyone can copy from it or use it without any copyrights for MOHR or even project contributors.

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