MOHR provides solutions to repeated problems in the market. In the MENA region we have common problems related to work environment and work cultures. Problems such as complexities in attendance and time-shifts policies, complexities in vacations and time-off policies. Their effects on payroll. Complexities in government regulations.

Localized solutions for MENA region. MOHR has been born in the MENA region after a deep analysis and investigation of work environment, work culture and government regulations in the MENA region. MOHR team has more than 20 years of experience developing and deploying ERP systems generally and HR systems specifically across the MENA region. We introduced our experiences and best practices through MOHR.
Easy, Fast and Risk-free Business Model. MOHR provides a unique business model. Customer can easily signup and get his account in a minute. The account is free for 14 days use. During the free trial period, customer get all the support he needs to make sure MOHR is satisfying his business needs. Payment is usually annual. And hence you are not paying a big amount of money once. You don’t need any investment in any IT infrastructure. As a result, ROI (Return on Investment) can be easily achieved in less than 3 months.
Read also: ROI in using MOHR in your organization (Arabic)

Combine innovation with latest technology. MOHR has a unique and scalable architecture. A lot of effort has been invested in the system usability to make sure user can do a lot of functions with less interfaces. User interface are comfortable for long working hours. We have mobile based attendance (face recognition + location detection) that replace traditional fingerprint machines.
Optimized modules for your company’s size. MOHR provides solutions suitable for your company’s size. We have packages of functional modules, outsourcing services, and consulting services with optimized prices MOHR provides a wide range of HR management tools.