Attendance and Time-Shifts Management
Attendance Challenges
MOHR cloud-based attendance system has been designed to deal with attendance challenges across many market verticals like manufacturing, retail, transportation, and healthcare. Attendance challenges are found in time-shifts and rotating time-shifts (roster), dealing with permissions and permission credit, flexible attendance, changing work locations, outdoor attendance like construction sites. These are only samples of challenges that are handled by MOHR Attendance Management Module. MOHR Attendance Management Module helps in achieving discipline in challenging work environment and complex attendance rules and regulations. MOHR Attendance Management Module helps the top management reach the control over their corporates.
Moreover, MOHR is an attendance and payroll software where all attendance transactions can be easily reflected in the payroll.

Employee attendance transactions are gathered automatically from attendance machines or from the mobile app. The system then generates alerts whenever an attendance violation happened. No need to check reports and search for late employees. The system will rather notify and alert you. Not only that, but also you can handle the alert manually or automatically to affect the employee salary with a deduction or raise based on his violation.
Attendance Types and Patterns.
The system can be easily configured to deal with different types of attendance patterns such as:
Standard Attendance Pattern
This is where attend time and leave time are accurately defined. You may also define some tolerance for the attend and leave time. Ex. Attend time at 9:00am, leave time at 5:00pm. A tolerance in the attendance time from 8:30am to 9:10am. Any violation for the attendance rule, the system user will be alerted. Also, the employee will be alerted through his Employee Self-Service account.

Standard Time-Shifts Pattern
You can make multiple standard attendance pattern, divide employees into groups, assign each group to different pattern (time-shift). Ex. A time shift from 9:00am to 5:00pm) another time shift from (5:00pm to 11:00pm) System will generate alerts for employees who violate their time-shift rules.
Flexible Attendance Pattern
This is the pattern where you give flexibility in attend and leave time but also has a core working hours that the employee must commit presence during it. Alerts can be configured to appear if the employee did not commit minimum amount of daily working hours. Ex. Attend time 9:00am, leave time 5:00pm. Core hours from 11:00am to 3:00pm. The employee has the flexibility to attend between 9:00 am to 11:00am, and to leave any time between 3:00pm to 5:00pm. But he must commit at least 7 working hours daily.

Free Attendance Pattern
Free attendance pattern has 3 types:
- Free attendance during specific period. Ex. Employee can attend or leave any time between 9:00am and 5:00pm. Alerts will be generated if the employee is in the workplace outside this time period
- Free attendance with a minimum or maximum number of working hours. Alerts are generated when working hours are less than the minimum limit or more than the maximum limit based on how the system is configured.
- Completely free attendance. Employee attendance transactions are recorded without any alerts of any kind. Usually suitable for top management.
The Roster, The rotating time-shifts.
It is a model that deal with time shifts that usually change. It is popular in managing nurses’ shifts and some industrial and retail sectors. It is a deputy rostering software or roster scheduling software.

Mobile based attendance.
The mobile is used to replace fingerprint devices or any other attendance device. It also offers other advantages. Read more about Mobile based attendance.