Overview Of Functional Areas

MOHR has 20 functional areas categorized into 6 major categories.

  1. Personnel and payroll management.
  2. Government Compliance.
  3. Communication management.
  4. Productivity modules.
  5. Mobile apps.
  6. Complementary modules.

The administration management group has 9 functional areas:

  • 2-Job Management and organization design
  • 4-Time-shifts
  • 6-Missions and permissions
  • 8-Employee loans

The Government Compliance includes two modules so far:

  1. Egyptian Government Compliance. Covers social insurance and income tax mainly
  2. Saudi Government Compliance. Covers social insurance, wages protection, and others

The communication management group has 3 functional areas:

  1. Employee self-service portal.
  2. Manager self-service portal.
  3. Workflow.
  4. HR helpdesk.

The productivity management group has 3 functional areas:

  1. Performance management
  2. Employee competencies
  3. Time Sheets

Mobile Apps:

  1. Attend Any Where, A mobile based attendance.

Integrated Apps:

  • Psychometric assessment.
  • Training content management.
  • HR helpdesk.
  • Accounting.